Bio-identical Hormone Replacement
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement
We take a proactive role to evaluate your hormone levels and determine the best individualized bio-identical formulation that helps you to feel like yourself again. Bio-identical hormones generally come from plants and chemically are the same as our body produces making it easier to utilize them better. We do not use a pre-formulated plan to give generically to all women based on symptoms. We know every woman’s needs are unique. Bio-identical hormones can be used in all stages of a woman’s life to enhance her mood, energy, vitality, libido, and more. When would you use bio-identical hormones? In the following stages.

This is the period before menopause which can start up to 10 years before your period stops. Generally, intensifies 3-4 years before menopause. Symptoms can vary and range from irregular periods, hot flashes, fatigue, trouble sleeping and mood swings.
The average age of menopause is 51 years of age and includes 12 months of having no periods. Symptoms can include hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood and memory changes, lower energy, and reduced libido.
This is the stage after menopause when you have not had a period for over twelve consecutive months. A number of symptoms can occur during this phase, especially urinary frequency, vaginal dryness, along with continued heat symptoms.