Drugless Pharmacist

Welcome to The DrugLess Pharmacist

Dr. Elaine Benson Thomas

We encourage you to make your own healthcare decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

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Power of Fruits

The Nutrition Bible

Weight and Wellbeing


I invite you

Discover health and wellness in a way you’ve never experienced before.  I am the Drugless Pharmacist and want to remind you that drugs are “dangerous substances”.  As a healthcare professional, I have a duty to “first do not harm”. These two phrases together should tell you that drugs should be the least likely choice when other safe and effective options are available.

I aim to help you adopt a more critical perspective regarding prescription drug use and to encourage you to evaluate the use of other proven methods in your quest to find health and healing.

What we want less of …

"side effects"

" prescription errors"

What we want more of …

"proven, safer remedies"

Stay in touch for updates.  Be sure and pass along valuable information to your friends and family and invite them to subscribe to my blog as well.  Enjoy and may  God bless you on this journey called life.

"kinetic energy"

"A balanced life"

Treat yourself to:

  • Articles
  • Tips
  • Tutorials
  • Tools
  • Access to Services
  • Affiliate Programs

Subscribe to My Blog and receive a copy in your in box every month!         

My blog

This blog focuses primarily on the benefit versus risk analysis of drugs, preventative health and non-pharmacological interventions as an option to drugs.  Drugs have their place, but it’s best that they are kept in their right place

Treats you to tips, tutorials, articles, tools and access to services and affiliate programs that will help you improve your health and environment.  Stay in touch for updates and groundbreaking research.    Be sure to pass along valuable information to friends and family and invite them to come and join me as well.  Enjoy, and may God bless you on this journey called life.

My Mission and Vision

My mission is to bring my readers to a deep understanding of how seriously dangerous and misleading drug therapy can be and be convinced to pause and consider other safe and effective remedies that really make a difference. The best remedy is often never getting the disease to begin with. It’s called Prevention.  And hopefully my readers will see that most drugs would have no place in our day to day lives if we took care of our bodies daily like we have the responsibility to do.  My readers should see that many drugs provide symptomatic relief at best and a fallacy of useless, forever nonsensical perpetuation of chasing numbers that will never rest in the normal range unless you keep taking the drug.  You haven’t cured anything. My readers should see clearly that diseases that have a dietary, lifestyle or genetic cause have resolvable interventions that have nothing to do with drugs; drugs for these diseases only benefit the drug companies, insurance companies and practitioners who knowingly perpetuate the lies that will never provide the outcomes you seek and deserve. 

Popular Recipes

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sit in. Dolorem ancillae accumsan his ut, vix constituam vel
complectitur cu, mundi consequat.

5 Ways Restricting Calories Can Be Harmful

Is Dieting Slowing Down Your Metabolism?

Vegan & Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie

Fitness-Friendly Snacks When Working Out

Contact Us

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Dr. Elaine Benson Thomas, PharmD, CCN
DrugLess Pharmacist
CEO, Nutritional Pathways Functional Wellness
[email protected]

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